Friday, June 26, 2009

The Broadway Green Alliance

I know I mentioned this in my previous entry but there is so much juicy information I had to write about it again.  The Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) established in 2008, with the blessing of Mayor Bloomberg and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), has a wonderful program to encourage all Broadway productions to reduce their carbon footprint.  They even have an entire page dedicated to tips you can relay to your cast and crew with really spot on talking points.  With suggestions like the use of email for messages and information, reducing bottled water by encouraging mugs or eco-friendly bottles, the use of recycled paper, etc. with goals for next year and goals for five years.  Now that's a plan to work on!  

The part I thought was the most interesting was that in all of the suggestions communication with cast and crew were the most important.  Highlighting reasons why choices were made so that others might become more aware and then in turn pass along what they have learned.  And you thought Broadway was all about making seems everyone is deeply interested in saving our environment.

9 to 5 The Musical Has Gone GREEN!

It seems that The Broadway Leaguethe national trade association for the Broadway industry, began a campaign called Broadway Goes Green, now called The Broadway Green Alliance and those crazy folks at 9 To 5 The Musical have taken it to heart. Going green from the beginning, they even have a contest to see whose office is the most green and if you win you get free tickets to the show.  In addition, Seventh Generation signed on for sponsorship and provided them with handsoap and detergent backstage (what a great way to cross market!)  they changed out light bulbs for more efficient lighting and started using rechargeable batteries for mics.    So now is your chance to see some great theater and feel good about the environment.  Who cares if it's a marketing ploy?  They got me hooked at green.

Our Earth

Didn't I just write about Urban Rooftop Gardening???  It seems this is a trend that is sweeping the nation.  I know this doesn't have anything to do with green theater per se, but it does have to do with our society taking a different turn towards environmentally sound changes.  Check out the great piece about urban farming going on right in Brooklyn!  It was too interesting not to pass this along...Babelgum has a wonderful section on their website, Our Earth, to promote mother nature in all her glory.  These documentaries are only a few minutes but will leave you feeling inspired and ready to conquer the world.  Seriously worth checking out.  Speaking of Mother Nature...will this rain ever stop?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Urban Rooftop Farming

There is always an opportunity to combine theater and gardening, right?  Who knew that bridge would be so easily built and yet it seems so simple it is brilliant.  Broadway Stages, the premiere facility for sound stages throughout NYC, has offered its rooftop for gardening in a new trend that is sweeping the city.  Want fresh herbs and lettuce?  Along with asparagus and tomatoes?  These too can be yours with a little bit of a green thumb and of course a rooftop.  The city is even rewarding buildings by giving them a tax abatement!  What could be better than some fresh fruits and vegetables combined with your love of the theater?  I say delicious...salad anyone? 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Women's Project

I recently attended a panel at CUNY regarding green theater.  Towards the end the topic of incorporating environmental awareness into the context of the art itself was brought up and discussed.  This presented a wonderful banter about art reflecting life and how to incorporate current global issues without the art feeling forced or the playwright feeling forced to include a "fad" topic.  

Well, the Women's Project has done it!  They have embodied what I had just been discussing into an event not to missed called GLOBAL COOLING: THE WOMEN CHILL created by the artists of the WP LAB. The event itself will be site specific, FREE, and include both media and visual art installations.  Very cool indeed.

Global warming--do you find it chilling? Let the artists of the Women’s Project Lab lead you on a journey through the World Financial Center.  GLOBAL COOLING: THE WOMEN CHILL explores environmental awareness through six short theater pieces (described below) that use spoken word, song, dance, yoga, and repurposed garbage. 
In Green We Trust!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Costume Collection

One of the burning questions after a project ends is...what do I do with all these costumes?  The easiest answer isn't always the best answer.  It's time to give back to the community.  Here comes Costume Collection.  This organization sponsored by TDF allows you, the small emerging artist, to look your best!  Costumes from the hottest Broadway and Off-Broadway shows (in addition to touring companies and opera companies) are rented at extremely affordable prices, with over 75,000 costume options to choose from... what are you waiting for?  And did I mention that if you choose to donate once your own show closes it is tax deductible?  Very smart indeed.

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Materials For The Arts

Ever get surprised every now and again by the sheer awesomeness of some organizations?  Check out Materials For The Arts.  The way it works is materials from organizations and individuals that no longer need any of their furniture, clothing, office furniture, whatever... offer to donate them instead to this organization rather than throwing it in a landfill.  What a wonderful way to promote reuse, recycling and waste management (which of course they do).  Educators and non-profits alike have the opportunity to go shopping for whatever they might need and no money ever gets exchanged.  What a brilliant idea.

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